Enrique Peña DonnayConsultor Estratégico de Ahorro y Optimización de Costes para Empresas.

My professional experience has always been linked to Consultancy and Business Development in the areas of cost saving, online and offline marketing, automotive, water sports, tourism, event management and now days I am envolved in Blockchain projects. This experience coupled with my College and Business Schools background have provided me with an ample general knowledge and interesting invaluable experiences in Spain and abroad, both professionally and personally.
Being a great fan of water sports and paddle tennis, has contributed in my life, a part of health benefits, giving me the chance to make countless contacts and attain advantages of conducting team activities. These roles and responsibilities have tendered me a greater interest in improving my network, together with a constant and permanent intellectual curiosity to continue learning, and to meet interesting people whom learn from.
In my continuing search for interaction with entrepreneurs, I take this means to awaken their attention on the search for synergies and creating fields of collaboration.
Please browse: www.ConsultoriaAhorrodeCostes.com; www.MarInfinito.com; www.OlaBrava.com; www.despedidadesolterasysolteros.com; www.Adonnay.es; www.cocinamarinera.com
Contact me:
epd@consultoriaahorrodecostes.com | www.consultoriaahorrodecostes.com