Rafael DuarteDirector de Relaciones Internacionales Bancarias – Bankinter SA

Financial Institutions Banker with over 15 years of experience in the sector, managing the correspondent banking network and strategic banking alliances, with a wide network of contacts locally and globally. Expert in promoting the International Business with Spanish Corporates and within the network of branches of the bank, as well as the Global Transaction Banking business of the entity. Masters Degree with honors in Financial Markets from the University Autonoma de Madrid.
International Trade Finance / Financiación de Comercio Exterior
Cash Management for Banks and Corporates /
Payments Services and Cash / Pagos Internacionales
Credit Risk Analysis (Banks and Corporates) / Análisis Crédito (Riesgos Banco, País y Empresa).
Correspondent Banking / Banca de Corresponsales
KYC and AML services for banks / Prevención de Blanqueo Capitales y Políticas de KYC
Syndicated Loans / Créditos Sindicados
Teaching, and Business Training / Docencia.